Box 30055 Portland, OR 97294
JULY 2014
Hello there,
Well, what a
time we’ve had the last few months! As we told you on
the radio, our Field Director, Les Phipps went home to be
with the Lord. Dad first met Les when he was 17 years old
back at Brainard Indian School in South Dakota and they were
buddies for 55 years. Dad didn’t think Les would beat
him “home” so now he’s one more on the list
that he’ll be anxious to see when he gets there. Les
and Dad worked together for 28 years, first at Frontier
Missions and then here at First Nation Ministries and we are
forever grateful for the help Les gave. Now Marvin Boettcher
has taken the position of Field Director and we thank God for
him. Marv has the knowledge and experience to represent us
out on the reservations and he feels this is where God wants
him to be at this time so we rest in Romans 8:28, “For
we know that for those who love God all things work together
for good for those who are called according to His purpose.”
Then not too
long after Les’ home going, my Mother passed away from
cancer. This was truly a shock to us because she had always
been in such good health. I believe it shocked Dad most of
all; shortly after her death, his mental abilities began to
decline more rapidly and now I care for him at home. What a
reunion there will be when Dad joins them in Glory!
As you know, we
had a very successful Christmas season handing out “Shoe
box” gifts and since then Marv has been busy making
trips every month with loads of food, clothing, household
goods, and a few vehicles. We have made two trips to Lapwai
and Kamai, Idaho on the Nez Perce Reservation (Nez Perce is
French for “nose is pierced”) and two trips to
the Spokane and Colville Reservations. Also, we have been to
the Fort Peck Reservation in northeastern Montana and to the
Navajo Rez in New Mexico. We were so blessed to be able to
deliver 3 vehicles to people in need of them along with food,
clothing, and household items I’m sorry to say we
lost a camera on one of the trips so we’re short of
pictures, but the work continues. This “vine of God’s
planting”, as Dad always calls it, will go on as long
as the Lord
blesses and you
folks continue to support us with your prayers, finances, and
gifts in kind. Thank you to all of you who have given your
clothing, food, and household items. We have been able to
put together some beautiful loads to take to the reservations
and thank you, too, for your financial support. You keep our
wheels rolling! Most of all, thank you for your prayers; we
would not be able to do what we do without them.
Working ‘til
Jesus comes,
Deborah Cline
for the guys who criticize and minimize the other guys
enterprise has made them rise above the guys who criticize.
your time counting your blessings not airing your complaints.
lost are depending on the saved. We must obey God’s
leading in our lives. If we do not give the lost the good
news of salvation, no one else will.
“Fear not” is recorded in the Bible
365 times. Once for every day of the year.
saints can shout where the hypocrites pout, if they’ll
stay under the spout where the glory comes out. –Bud
Give your entire attention to what God is doing
right now. And don’t get worked up about what may or
may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with
whatever hard things come up when the time comes.
has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence, or learning.
FNM Office – Portland, Oregon
What a joy and
privilege to have Marvin Boettcher ask for Dad’s mantle
to be passed to him. We had a time of prayer and scripture
reading in the office and asked God’s blessing and
anointing to fall on Marv. Through tears, Marvin read
scripture from Romans 10:14-15, “How then will they
call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how are they
to believe in Him of whom they have never heard? And how are
they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to
preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How
beautiful are the feet of those who bring the good news!’”

Wolf Point, Montana - Fort Peck Reservation
How thankful we are for the
Teammate who donated the 1993 Ford Explorer, Eddie Bauer
Edition to us. We were able to give it to Robert and Michele
Anguilar in Wolf Point who needed it, and as you can see from
the pictures below, they were so grateful. Marv got to spend
time with Kenny and Sandy Azure, pastors of Blue Sky
Ministries and George Blunt, an Elder in the church. A while
back we took furniture to George so he could furnish a rehab
house. Also there was Clifford Talpinin (sp). He travels
down from the Muskeg Lake Reserve in Canada to attend Blue
Sky Church. How fortunate we are to only have to travel a
few miles to get to church! If you have listened to the
radio broadcasts, you heard Robert Manning’s testimony;
what a blessing!

KPDQ 93.9 FM Mon-Fri at 6:15 PM
KPDQ 800 AM Mon-Fri at 6:00 PM
KGLE AM Sun at 2:06 PM in